
Warsan No. 80 (Sabal Serr) 30ml

Original price was: ₨ 590.Current price is: ₨ 531.

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Warsan No-80

Sabal Serr

Chronic Prostatitis



  • Sabal serr
  • Pareira brava
  • Chimaphilla
  • Populous tremul
  • Pulsatila


Therapeutic category:

Benign Prostate hyperplasia (BPH).

Unique Selling points:

Rejuvenation with Healthy Prostate.


Chronic prostitutes, enlargement of prostate gland, hematuria, burning and difficulty in passing urine.

Mode of action:

Sabal serr

                It contains oleic, lauric, myristic and capric acid. The lipophilic compound from this herb, most notably lauric acid, inhibits the enzymes (5-α-reductase), Responsible for converting the male hormone testosterone to 5-α-dihydroxytetstosteron, the metabolite especially associated with prostate enlargement. So Sabal improves urine flow value, and residual volume value with all other symptoms of BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia).

Pareira brava

Tubocurarine is isolated from stem and bark of Pareira brava, a neuro muscular blocking agent that have the action typical of curare. It is power full muscle relaxant used in kidney failure. The urinary symptoms are most important, useful in renal colic, prostate affection and catarrh of bladder.


                It contains quinones including the hydroquinones, arbutin, chimaphilin and tannins. It is urinary anti septic and inflammation of the urinary tract. In combination with sarsaparilla, it benefits in arthritis and rheumatic complaints.

Populous tremul

It contain derivative of salicylic acid (analgesic). Populin from populous species. It is useful in dyspepsia and catarrh of bladder especially in aged people.


The pharmacological activity of the plant is due essentially to glycosides, ranunculin that is transform by enzymatic hydrolysis first into very unstable prtoenemonin then into enemonin. It has anti spasmodic properties and anti-bacterial actions.


                10 to 15 drops in half cup of water three times a day.

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Warsan No. 80 (Sabal Serr) 30ml
Original price was: ₨ 590.Current price is: ₨ 531.