Warsan No. 1 (Acid Phos) 20ml


[Spermatorrhoea & Wet Dreams]

Indications / Symptoms/ Therapeutics

Wet Dreams
Driblling after Uirnation
Lack of Sexual Power
Lack of Concentration
Loss of Hair

Packing 20ml
Formulation Acid Phos 3x,
Ginseng Q,
Nux Vomica 4x,
Selenium 3x,
Yohimbinum Q,
Mura Puma Q


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Warsan Homoeopathic | Premium Quality Vitamins Brand in Pakistan. For Oders, WhatsApp: +92-335-4689400            Customer orders may be delayed due to the Muharram holidays.

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Warsan No. 1 (Acid Phos) 20ml