Liver 52 Syrup that protects liver

Liver-52 Syrup


لیور۔52 سیرپ

جگر کا محافظ

لیور 52 سیرپ جگر کو مختلف قسم کے جراثیمی حملوں سے محفوظ ر کھتا ہے اور جگر کے عمل کو درست رکھتا ہے۔ اس طرح جگر جسم کی ضرورت کے مطابق اپناکام بخوبی انجام دیتا رہتا ہے۔ لیور 2 5 سیرپ بھوک کو زیادہ کر کے جسم کی نشو و نما کو بہتر بناتا ہے۔ چکنائی کے بُرے اثرات ، یرقان کے ابتدائی مراحل میں جگر کی سوزش و درد میں مفید ہے۔ منہ کا ذائقہ ترش اور ترش ڈکاریں آنا جیسی جگر کی خرابی کی علامات میں لیور 52 سیرپ انتہائی مفید ہیں۔

Indications: Various liver hepatoxine, liver dysfunctions and damage, low appetite etc.

Formulation: Chionanthus Q, Taraxacum Q, Chelidonium Q, Berberis vulgaris, Cardus mar Q, Hydrastis can Q, Nat sulf, Nux vomica.

(1 customer review)


Treatment of Liver Disorders

Liver-52 Syrup protects the liver from various types of bacterial attacks and maintains its function. This way, the liver continues to function well according to the body’s needs. Liver-52 Syrup improves appetite by enhancing the body’s metabolism and growth. It is beneficial in the initial stages of jaundice, alleviating liver inflammation and pain caused by fatty effects. Liver-52 Syrup is extremely beneficial in symptoms of liver damage, such as a sour or bitter taste and belching.


Each 5 ml Contains:

Capparis Spinosa34 mg
Cichorium Intybus34 mg
Solanum Nigrum16 mg
Cassia Occidentalis08 mg
Terminalia Arjuna16 mg
Achillea Millefolium08 mg
Tamarix Gallica08 mg

Therapeutic Category

Hepato Protectant Therapy.

Mode of Action:


Against toxin and drugs induced toxicity.


Enhancement of bile secreted by the liver. Which help carry away waste and breakdown fats in small intestine during digestion.

Liver Dysfunction:

Correction of fatty liver and jaundice.

Clear Obstructions:

Clear the passage in obstructive jaundice.

Appetite and Growth:

By bile and liver enzymes and anemia.

Hepato and Spleno Megaly:

A great therapeutic value in liver and spleen enlargement.

Enzyme Regulation:

AST and ALT in acute liver disorder.


Excretion of poisonous byproducts by kidney.

Causes of Hepatotoxicity:


Heavy drinking over many years can be proved alcoholic hepatitis-liver inflammation which can lead to liver failure (fatty liver).

Prescription Medication:

Some medication lead to serious liver injury e.g. aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenic, niacin, statin, sulfonamides and so many others.

Herb and Supplement:

Some herb considered dangerous to the liver include aloevera, cascara, Black cohosh, symphytum off, ephedra, chaparral, sassafras albidum, and tussilago farfara (coltsfoot).

Industrial Chemicals:

Common chemicals that can cause liver damage includes dry cleaning solvent carbon tetrachloride CCl4, vinyl chloride (used to make plastic) and so others.

Liver Enzymes:

Liver enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in your body. These chemicals reaction include, producing bile and substances that help in blood clot, breaking down food, toxin, and fighting infection.

Common liver enzymes includes

  1. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  2. Alanine transaminase (ALT)
  3. Aspartate transaminase (AST)
  4. Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT)

What Causes Elevated Liver Enzymes:

Liver diseases, medical conditions (cancer, cirrhosis of liver, hemolysis and metabolic syndrome etc.), medication and infection can cause elevated liver enzymes. Common causes for elevated liver enzymes includes

  • Certain medication such as cholesterol lower drugs (statins and acetaminophen).
  • Fatty liver disease- alcoholic and nonalcoholic.
  • Hemochromatosis (iron load in the tissue).
  • Hepatitis A,B,C.
  • Herb and vitamin supplement like chaparral, comfrey, tea, iron and vitamin A.

Other Causes:

  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
  • Cancer
  • Celiac disease
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Hemolysis
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Muscle condition, like poly myositis
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis.

Biochemical Liver Function Test:

Routine LFT’s are measured, which generally includes total bilirubin, alanine transaminase and alkaline phosphatase. Impairment of the synthetic function of the liver is detected by total protein, albumin and prothrombin time. Other biochemical tests may include measurement of gemma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) which may be elevated in all forms of liver disease.


Aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) are two intracellular enzyme present in hepatocytes which are released into the blood of patients as a consequence of hepatocyte damage or death. The aminotransferases are elevated in cases of hepatocellular diseases such as hepatitis. Extremely high valves, where transaminases are recorded in the thousands, occur in acute liver disease owing to massive levels of hepatocytes killing or damage. This can be seen in viral hepatitis or acetaminophen overdose. In chronic hepatitis, plasma transaminases are rarely more than 5-8 times the normal upper limit.

Alkaline phosphatase:

Elevated levels of this enzyme originate predominantly from two sources: liver and bone. Concomitant elevation of the enzyme gemma-glutamyl transpeptidase confirms the hepatic origin of elevated alkaline phosphatase. The plasma alkaline phosphatase activity may be raised by up to 4-6 times the normal limit in intra hepatic or extra hepatic cholestasis.


Albumin is synthesized in the liver and plasma albumin is a good marker of synthetic liver function, assuming there is no excess loss from the intestine or kidney and the patient is not in a catabolic state.

Prothrombin Time:

Prothrombin time (PT) is a useful short-term marker of the synthetic capacity of the liver. It is, however, also a sensitive indicator of chronic liver disease and combined with albumin, gives an accurate picture of liver function.

Treatment Plan:

Capparis Spinosa:

Active Constituents:

Root bark contains n-pentacosane, n-tricontanol, beta cytosterols and alkaloids is including. I-stachydrine and capparidisine.


It resolves obstructions in liver and spleen. It also acts as anti-phlegmatic, carminative and diuretic.

Cichorium Intybus:

Active Constituents:

Seed contain cellulose nitrogenous matter and fat. A rich source of minerals mucilage and inulin.


Cholagogue. It clear obstructions, stimulate, and help the liver to eliminate toxin from the blood. Useful in obstructive jaundice, hepatitis, chronic fever and for renal stone. It can also be helpful in treating anemia by supplying nutritive minerals.

Solanum Nigrum:

Active Constituents:

Protein carbohydrates, riboflavin, nicotinic acid vitamin C beta carotene, solasoline, alpha and beta solarnigrine, diosgenin, tannin and saponin.


Diosgenin has shown anti-inflammatory activity. Extract have also shown analgesic and anti-spasmodic activity. It is administered for the treatment colic as a sedative and in cirrhosis.

Cassia Occidentalis:

Active Constituents:

It contain chrisolin, campesterol and tox albumin.


It is good purgative, tonic, diuretic and febrifuge. The roasted seed have been found active against Salmonella, Proteus E. coli. and Bacillus subtilis.

Terminalia Arjuna:

Active Constituents:

Ellagic acid, arjunic acid, and arjunetin and beta cytosterol.


Astringent, tonic, febrifuge and Cholagogue. It is valuable remedy in heart diseases, dropsy resulting from heart troubles. It is also diuretic.It clears the obstructions of liver and gall bladder.

Achillea Millefolium:

Active Constituents:

Achillein, essential oil euginol, flavonoids, glycosides and millefin.


Achillein has spasmolytic activity on gut muscle. It also possesses antipyretic activity. It has been reported to promote appetite in atonic gastric disorders. Very useful in liver disorders checking the bleeding (hemostasis). It is also anti-inflammatory.

Tamarix Gallica:

Active Constituents:

Tannins, tamarixetin, kaempferide and quercitin.


Temarax preparations are effective in jaundice, liver disorders, and infectious hepatitis. Pharmacologically it is good astringent, hepato-protective and blood purifier. Quercitin is flavonoid and its therapeutic values as antioxidant, anti-viral, hepato protective, anti atheromatous, anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive has been widely reported. Flavonoids protect liver cells from damage induced by toxin such as carbon tetrachloride.



1½ teaspoon twice a day.


½ teaspoon twice a day.


Store in cool and dry place. Away from direct sunlight.


120 ml, 450 ml.

لیور۔52 سیرپ

جگر کا محافظ

لیور 52 سیرپ جگر کو مختلف قسم کے جراثیمی حملوں سے محفوظ ر کھتا ہے اور جگر کے عمل کو درست رکھتا ہے۔ اس طرح جگر جسم کی ضرورت کے مطابق اپناکام بخوبی انجام دیتا رہتا ہے۔ لیور 2 5 سیرپ بھوک کو زیادہ کر کے جسم کی نشو و نما کو بہتر بناتا ہے۔ چکنائی کے بُرے اثرات ، یرقان کے ابتدائی مراحل میں جگر کی سوزش و درد میں مفید ہے۔ منہ کا ذائقہ ترش اور ترش ڈکاریں آنا جیسی جگر کی خرابی کی علامات میں لیور 52 سیرپ انتہائی مفید ہیں۔


  • Chionanthus Q
  • Taraxacum Q
  • Chelidonium Q
  • Berberis vulgaris
  • Cardus mar Q
  • Hydrastis can Q
  • Nat sulf
  • Nux vomica


  • مختلف جگر ہیپاٹوکسین
  • جگر کی خرابی اور نقصان
  • کم بھوک وغیرہ


بڑوں کے لیے:

ڈیڑھ چائے کا چمچ دن میں تین مرتبہ استعمال کریں۔

بچوں کے لئے:

 آدھا چائے کا چمچ دن میں تین مرتبہ استعمال کریں۔


120 ملی لیٹر، 450 ملی لیٹر۔



1 review for Liver-52 Syrup

  1. Shahid Janjua

    Liver-52 Syrup is my ultimate solution for liver disorders. With natural ingredients like Capparis Spinosa and Terminalia Arjuna, it safeguards the liver from toxins and enhances its function. It effectively treats symptoms like acidity, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. Highly recommend for maintaining liver health and combating digestive issues.

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Liver 52 Syrup that protects liverLiver-52 Syrup